Property registrations worth Rs 1,110 crore were reported across Tamil Nadu on Thursday, surpassing previous records. The state earned a revenue of Rs 123 crore through stamp duty and registration fee as 20,300 land documents were registered, the highest since 2018. Data from the registration department showed that 40% of the total value and volume of documents registered on Thursday was in Chennai zone that comprises the city, Chengalpet, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur districts. Out of the total value of properties registered in the state, Chennai and its neighbouring district accounted for Rs 440 crore. Previously, sub-registrar offices across the state breached the 20,000 land documents mark 45 days ago on September 14 this year that included pending documents that came for registration. It had generated Rs 90 crore. The third highest number of documents was registered on September 16 that had nearly 19,700 land registrations. In 2019, the number of...